Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lampwork beads by Lisa Cotterman


Lisa Cotterman is a friend of mine who makes lampwork beads. She was a co-worker of mine for 9 years. From time to time, she would bring her beads into work. I remember spending several lunch hours looking through all of her beads and loving them. I have now started to buy beads from her to use in my jewelry.

I have made two bracelets with her beads so far...more to come! Have a look at them in my Etsy shop

Bye for now...

Monday, July 23, 2007

CCCOE on Etsy


So I went and joined yet another Etsy street team. This one is called CCCOE (California Crafters Club of Etsy). This is a group of Etsy sellers that live in California. Its members are from all different sorts of trades, not just jewelry-making like my two previous groups.

Please support our California crafters by logging onto and searching on CCCOE. Browse through all of the diverse shops and items we have to offer :-)

Bye for now...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I joined EtsyBEAD


I have joined another of Etsy's street teams. This one is called EtsyBEAD. You can guess what us members do... yep, we either MAKE BEADS or we USE BEADS in our creations.

Some gorgeous beads and jewelry are made by members of this group! You can see and buy these at, search on EtsyBEAD as a tag.

I only use beads at this point in time. I am thinking about testing my skills at making lampwork or polymer clay beads, but haven't done it yet. I am still doing some research on this possible venture.

Bye for now...